Thought of the Day

Published on 17 March 2019 at 17:16

It was a strange coincidence,

but a few days ago, I decided to write about the Robert the Bruce, King of Scots and the legendary spider.

Bruce was defeated and hunted by the English and the story goes that he was sitting in a cave, considering giving up his efforts to retain the freedom of Scotland and his throne. He saw a spider trying to start a web swinging on its thin silk thread. The spider tried and failed many times, but finally succeeded. Bruce was reinvigorated and determined never to give up. He went on to lead an army against the English and defeated them at the Battle of Bannockburn.
The motto is, of course, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Then, on Saturday, the Scots Rugby team were playing against the English team in the English home stadium for the Culcutta Cup. At half-time the score was 31-7 for the English. Most of the supporters of both teams thought it was over, but the Scots came back on the field and played their hearts out. They evened the score, then they scored one more try. In the final moments England managed to even the score once more.

Even though it was a tie, the Scots were the moral winners as they got to keep the cup for another year! Most people would have considered the game lost at half time but the team did not give up!

I hope you are inspired by these two stories. Don't give up, if it is important to you, try, try again.…/legend-of-robert-bruce-and-sp…

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